We are glad that you would like to volunteer with us!

 Come volunteer with your friends!

We look forward to your help leading our students in songs/games/crafts/activities so they can also experience the transforming love of Jesus!

Below are the requirements for all of our volunteers (under 18 and over 18 years of age).

These requirements are to keep our students safe!

Volunteers (Under18 Years Old)

All High School Student Volunteers are required to be cleared to attend LJPC SunHouse

All High School Student volunteers need to fill out the following:

  1. Permission Slip Form

  2. Medical Form

  3. Parent or Guardian of the student needs to email a photo of ID/DL to sunhouseonline@ljpres.org.

  4. Review the “Child Abuse Prevention Plan” Policy and sign the 3 addendums on the last gray button of this section. Email the signed documents to Lizzetf@ljpres.org.

These steps are required to get “Cleared to volunteer with LJPC”.


Returning Volunteers - Please email Susied@ljpres.org and LizzetF@ljpres.org

New Volunteers - Please fill out the “Volunteer Application” Form (Click gray button on the left).

Volunteers (18 Years Old+)

All volunteers over the age of 18 are required to do a background check, obtain the “Mandated Reporter” training certificate, read the “Child Abuse Prevention Plan” and sign the 3 addendums.

Last step for volunteers over the age of 18 years old

Please fill out the background check form (Click gray button on the left) and email it back to our Director of Family Ministries Administration, Lizzet Fitz at lizzetf@ljpres.org.   We will be sending you a mandated reporter training via email directly from the Praesidium website.  Keep an eye for an email from donotreply@praesidiuminc.com. Lastly, read the Child Protection Plan and sign the 3 addendums on the last grey button on the left. Email the signed documents to Lizzetf@ljpres.org.

Once the paperwork is completed and approved, an interview will be scheduled. Thank you in advance for completing all the paperwork.  As you may be aware, all LJPC volunteers need to be a Mandated Reporters per the AB506 California Law.